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Beleggingsfiscaliteit: dilemma’s en uitdagingen 2025 – 8th TBF/RFP-Forum

mei 23 @ 13:00 - 18:00


The editorial board of Tijdschrift Beleggingsfiscaliteit/Revue Fiscalité des Placements (“Tax Clicking”) is pleased to invite you to its annual forum.

Editor in chief: Dirk Coveliers (Lallemand Legros & Joyn)
Scientific committee: Yves Bocquet (ULB), Antoine Dayez (Lallemand Legros & Joyn), Lotte Hendrickx (Febelfin), Olivier Hermand (PwC België), Alain Huyghe (Baker & Mckenzie), Axel Laga (Candriam), Nicolas Lippens (Loyens & Loeff), Emilie Maes (EY Law), Laurence Pinte (ING België), Alessandra Sala (Freshfields), Lars Vanneste (KBC), Henk Verstraete (Stibbe), Ward Willems (KU Leuven)

Supporting committee: Rodolphe de Pierpont (VBO-FEB), Edwin Desnyder (Assuralia), Roger Kaiser (EBF-FBE), Marc Van de Gucht (BEAMA)

You can find the program here.

 Register online. The number of participants is limited to allow for targeted interaction with the speakers.


BNP Paribas Fortis
Koningsstraat 20
Brussel, 1000 België

