Opgelet: dit artikel werd gepubliceerd op 31/08/2023 en kan daardoor verouderde informatie bevatten.
Opening – 13.30-13.45
Prof. dr. Bruno Peeters (UAntwerp)
Introductory lecture: “Human connections in a digital tax world – the philosophical perspective” – 13.45-14.15
Prof. dr. Anne Van de Vijver (UAntwerp)
Panels moderation: dr. Alessia Tomo (UAntwerp)
Panel 1: The relation between the taxpayers and tax administration 14.15-15.10
- Introduction and moderator: prof. dr. Sylvie De Raedt (UAntwerp)
- Discussants: prof. dr. Erich Kirchler (Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna) and mrs. Laurence Pinte (chair of the Tax Committee, VBO/FEB )
Panel 2: The relation between the taxpayers and the planet 15.10-16.05
- Introduction and moderator: prof. dr. Tarcisio Diniz Magalhães (UAntwerp)
- Discussants: prof. dr. Steven Van Passel (Environmental Economics UAntwerp) and mr. Dennis Beyers (Head of Tax, UCB)
Panel 3: Intra – and interstate tax relations 16.30-17.25
- Introduction and moderator: drs. Sam Van der Vlugt (University of Salerno and Antwerp)
- Discussants: mr. Bert Brys (senior Tax Economist OECD) and mr. Rik Smet (Tiberghien Lawyers)
Closing keynote speech – 17.25-18.00
Prof. dr. Pasquale Pistone (University of Salerno, Wirtschaftsuniversität Vienna and Academic Chairman IBFD)
Closing remarks on future of ATA: – 18.00-18.10
Prof. dr. Anne Van de Vijver (UAntwerp)
Networking drinks