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Final Conference on “Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms” (CREA 2 project)

mei 23 @ 14:30 - mei 24 @ 12:30


Graag nodigen wij u uit op de slotconferentie van het door de Europese Commissie gefinancierde CREA II-project (Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms II – JUST-2021-EJUSTICE), uitgevoerd door een Europees consortium van een kleine tiental onderzoeksinstituten en onder supervisie van Prof. dr. Marco Giacalone en Prof. dr. Elisabeth Alofs (VUB/PREC/NOT). Het CREA II-project had tot doel de ontwikkeling van een AI-tool die zowel burgers/partijen als familierechtelijke advocaten en notarissen kan helpen bij een vereffening-verdeling na echtscheiding en overlijden. De onderzoeksresultaten voortvloeiend uit dit project worden voorgesteld te Brussel op 23 en 24 mei 2024 (adres: HOEK 38, Leuvenseweg 38,1000 Brussel).

Meer informatie en de planning zijn te vinden in bijgevoegde uitnodiging.

Inschrijven is gratis maar verplicht en kan via volgende link:

We would like to invite you to the final conference of the European Commission-funded CREA II project (Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms II – JUST-2021-EJUSTICE), conducted by a European consortium of a small dozen research institutes and supervised by Prof Dr Marco Giacalone and Prof Dr Elisabeth Alofs (VUB/PREC/NOT). The CREA II project aimed at the development of an AI tool that can help both citizens/parties and family law lawyers and notaries in settlement distribution after divorce and death. The research results resulting from this project will be presented in Brussels on 23 and 24 May 2024 (address: HOEK 38, 1000 Brussels, Rue de Louvain 38).

More information and schedule can be found in the attached invitation.

23 May 2024
14:30 – 16:00 Panel 1 – The CREA 2 project and its innovative platform
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:15 Panel 2 – Generative AI and law: current and future perspectives
18:15 – 18:30 Concluding remarks

24 May 2024
09:30 – 10:30 Panel 3 – AI and family law
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:10 Panel 4 – AI and law: National experiences
12:10 – 12:30 Concluding remarks

Registration is free but obligatory and can be done via the following link:

Please kindly note that, participation at the Conference is free (no registration fee). However,
the participants are expected to register online in advance and cover the costs of their travel
and accommodation. Due to limited capacity of the conference room, participants will be
admitted on first come (first registered) basis. The successful online registration shall be
regarded as confirmation of admission. Online registration will be stopped when the capacity
limit is reached.

Looking for more information?
For any inquiries about this event, you can contact the Conference Liaisons:
– Paola Giacalone,
– Sajedeh S. Salehi,
– Gioia Arnone

The Organizer reserves the right to change the original schedule in exceptional
circumstances. Should the event be cancelled for previously unforeseeable reasons, the
Contracting Party shall be informed forthwith.

The content of this Conference represents the views of Organizers and speakers only and
remains their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any
responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.


Rue de Louvain 38
Brussel, 1000
+ Google Maps