Cedep tax professionals Jubel belgische professionelen Fontainebleau Wim Wuyts

29 mrt 2016 | Algemeen, Bedrijfsjuristen

Wim Wuyts challenges senior tax leaders at Fontainebleau

Door Wim Wuyts

  • Wim Wuyts is a seasoned professional in the international fiscal world. He has 20 years of international experience, leading global tax organizations and heading up major corporate reorganization programs. He has extensive M&A experience. In 2004, he created the informal Tax Think Tank. He is now more than 4 years the Chairman of the Tax Committee of the VBO-FEB. Together with friends and experts, Wim has written the bestseller TWEAK IT! (2009) , a book on “mindful coaching”. The entire profit of the 9,000 sold books is donated to a charity project in India (www.vanakam.be). His second book, "Ergens halverwege, een visie op internationaal fiscaal management" is available at Knopsbooks.com since October 21, 2013. The book is in translation and will be on the market as of April 2015. In December 2013 he founded the "No Mountain Too High"-foundation (VZW). December 2014: co-creating the International School for Tax Leadership.

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Opgelet: dit artikel werd gepubliceerd op 29/03/2016 en kan daardoor verouderde informatie bevatten.

Early 2016, CEDEP (Fontainebleau, France) and the International School for Tax Leadership led by Wim Wuyts established a partnership with the aspiration to organize Executive Tax Leadership Programs.

The first one-week program for senior tax professionals was organized in March 2016 on the campus in Fontainebleau (France).

Both Jens Meyer, academic dean of CEDEP and Wim had the aspiration to set a new standard in the area of Tax Leadership Development.

Wim Wuyts: „ The business world and the fiscal landscape are changing in an unseen pace. Governments across the globe are announcing fiscal measures faster than ever. International institutions such as the OECD, United Nations as well as the EU institutions and the G20 are imposing guidelines and hard laws on their respective member states in order to do away with harmful tax competition and overly aggressive tax planning. It is in this complex world that senior tax leaders need to align the tax strategy to the overall business strategy of their company. A task that is more complex than ever and that requires different leadership skills and attitudes than only a few years ago.The programs therefore combine the view from leading academic faculty in the domains of strategy, governance and leadership with the vision of top professionals from the global tax scene. „
Many – if not all – participants coming from across the globe considered the first program  as a very strong learning and powerful experience because of the mix of having senior tax colleagues from absolute top companies such as LEGO, AMP, UBER, ABInBev, Bacardi, UCB, Telenet Brambles, Maersk and many other participating but also having absolute top faculty in finance, strategy, governance and culture leading the very intense sessions and discussions.
We are sharing a few images and in the next weeks we will share some testimonials.
Stay tuned!






  • Wim Wuyts is a seasoned professional in the international fiscal world. He has 20 years of international experience, leading global tax organizations and heading up major corporate reorganization programs. He has extensive M&A experience. In 2004, he created the informal Tax Think Tank. He is now more than 4 years the Chairman of the Tax Committee of the VBO-FEB. Together with friends and experts, Wim has written the bestseller TWEAK IT! (2009) , a book on “mindful coaching”. The entire profit of the 9,000 sold books is donated to a charity project in India (www.vanakam.be). His second book, "Ergens halverwege, een visie op internationaal fiscaal management" is available at Knopsbooks.com since October 21, 2013. The book is in translation and will be on the market as of April 2015. In December 2013 he founded the "No Mountain Too High"-foundation (VZW). December 2014: co-creating the International School for Tax Leadership.

vlotter kennisbeheer dan met windows Verkenner via Knowlex

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Aannemingsrecht Overheidsopdtrachten Vastgoed
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Burgerlijk recht Fiscaal recht
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